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FIMBank Group wins prestigious GTR awards 2011
FIMBank plc and London Forfaiting Company Ltd (LFC), two companies which form part of the FIMBank Group, were recently declared ‘Best Factoring House’ and ‘Best Boutique Trade Finance Institution’ respectively by international trade finance magazine Global Trade Review (GTR). FIMBank has won the award for the third consecutive year while London Forfaiting Company Ltd has won either this title or that of Best Forfaiting House many times over the last years.
Expressing her satisfaction with the news of the awards, FIMBank Group President Margrith Lütschg-Emmenegger explained that this year’s success was in line with a positive trend established over the past years by both institutions. “Receiving acknowledgement for one’s efforts is always appreciated, especially when this comes from a prestigious and influential source, as is GTR. Such awards serve to further boost FIMBank’s reputation as a reliable global partner in the dynamic and specialist world of Trade Finance”. LFC’s Managing Director Simon Lay was equally pleased: “London Forfaiting has now been at the forefront of the forfaiting and trade finance industry for over 27 years, demonstrating its commitment to the products and to our clients. Our expertise and geographical coverage allows us to offer a global service dedicated specifically to forfaiting and trade finance for our exporting, importing and bank clients alike.”
FIMBank plc is an international trade finance bank focused on delivering trade finance solutions to businesses worldwide. The Bank actively pursues a strategy of establishing factoring joint ventures with prominent institutions in selected emerging markets. Today FIMBank’s international network includes MENAFactors in Dubai, Egypt Factors in Egypt, Levant Factors in Lebanon, FactorRus in Russia, India Factoring in India and more recently BrasilFactors in Brazil.
On the other hand, UK-registered London Forfaiting Company (LFC), a fully-owned FIMBank subsidiary, has over the years established a reputation as a key player in the forfaiting market, providing fast, efficient, tailor-made non-recourse finance solutions to importers, exporters and emerging market banks. LFC boasts a global network of offices, with a presence in the United Kingdom, Turkey, Russia, Brazil, the USA, Malta and Singapore.