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FIMBank plc invited to speak at Geneva Trade Finance Conference

Ms. Margrith Lutschg Emmenegger, President of FIMBank plc, delivered a presentation at the Geneva Trade Finance Conference on 20-23 March 2007, further to an invitation by the organizer, Day Robinson International, one of the leading UK based conference organisers, focusing on Trade Finance and connected activities.
This conference was aimed at addressing the new challenges that trade finance is meeting across many different frontiers of supply and demand. Corporates, borrowers, traders and banks face new challenges to optimize transactions, understand global opportunities and deal with a wide range of risks and prospects. Eminent speakers from 23 countries and over 200 delegates participating over the three day conference contributed in giving a global picture of commodity trade finance from the corporate and banking sector.
Ms. Margrith L�tschg�Emmenegger�s presentation covered recent developments and activities in Forfaiting, shedding light on the new business to be found as competition from other products increases and traditional markets remain oversubscribed. Forfaiting, being the discounting and trading of receivables avalised by credit institutions on a without recourse basis, is offered at FIMBank through its UK based wholly owned subsidiary, London Forfaiting Company.
This presented a unique opportunity to promote FIMBank�s specialized services as well as its location, Malta, with its distinctive and numerous opportunities.
FIMBank Group's core mission is focused on Trade Finance, Pre-demolition Ship Finance, Forfaiting, Factoring, Syndications and Risk Participations. The Group operates from offices in London, New York, Sao Paolo, Moscow, Istanbul, Dubai Cairo and Singapore. For further information on our Group, please visit our website on www.fimbank.com